The Meets – “It Happens Outside”


Tag: Heavy

Release date: 1 October 2013

The Meets operate under the creative oversight of Brandon Locher, who creates a synesthete’s wet dream in the collective’s fifth release It Happens Outside. The surreal album cover is an apt visual representation of what to expect: a genre collage of acid/free jazz, modern classical, turntabilism, spoken word snippets, and acoustic instruments. Locher effectively synthesizes cohesiveness among disparity. The composition strongly reminds me of the chance operations used by music theorist John Cage and choreographer Merce Cunningham, where some element of the work is left to chance or realized at the behest of the performer in a series of controlled accidents. This album’s modus operandi is carefully constructed chaos that relishes form rather than challenges it and is, well, really pretty. It Happens Outside is extremely upbeat and congruous for an “experimental” release, and it does not seem try-hard. It is dense, but not impenetrable. I highly recommended this album to the uninitiated as a proper introduction to polyphonic art music.

(Surprisingly?) Safe for any morning shows.

Released on Locher’s My Idea of Fun label.

Turn on anything from this album, cuts are my personal favorites. Play doubleshots of the short ones! Choose back-to-back tracks as most flow into each other.

Shruti’s Song – (1:28)
Stoned Eyes – (1:17)
Nobody, Not Even the Rain – (2:28)
The Fish’s Eye – (1:54)
See Who Laughs Last – (1:54)
Broadcast Fireworks Display [Part 1] – (1:28)
Today Grew Dark – (3:17)
Knocking on the Ground – (2:39)

Even When the Time Comes – (3:28)
The Witching Hour – (2:58)
As a Period in which Nothing Happens – (7:09)
Broadcast Fireworks Display [Part 2] – (1:52)

RIYL: Flying Lotus, Squarepusher, John Coltrane, early Tortoise, John Cage

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